With Just 3 Minutes To Make A Sale What Do You Say? ? Warp Speed Sales Scripts


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With Just 3 Minutes To Make A Sale What Do You Say? ? Warp Speed Sales Scripts

Far too often we can put our own perceptions onto our prospects. We might call away to our prospects with grandiose ideas of building rapport or unlocking a “game” that could get us a sale. What you might not realize is that it isn’t the job of your prospect to listen to you. They have meetings, calls, and numerous tasks already to complete, none of which include listening to you. 

Thinking that your prospect has time for you is one of the biggest mistakes that sales professionals make. Don’t give me that static that you ask if they have time, or you checked with the secretary if they weren’t “busy”. The reality is that they are always too busy for sales calls, when they do take your call, making every second count is what will ensure you get the sale or hear the dial tone. 

Beyond an elevator pitch, beyond a slogan, what can you reveal

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