Winner: Ryan Higa’s Ball Signed by all ISA Artists! CONGRATULATIONS CHARLIE LEE!

CONGRATULATIONS TO CHARLIE LEE for winning the ball! What a rewarding way to end the ISA and contest saga 😀 THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who watched and bid–the end monetary result far exceeded my expectations, so I was THRILLED! So thrilled, that Dan and I went to deliver the check of 5 in person to the Asian American Donor Program today. I know there are plenty of charities to donate to (and they are all definitely deserving), but we chose AADP for several reasons: 1) Cancer is universal and something we can all relate to 2) ISA is about creating a voice for underrepresented communities by creating a platform to showcase APA talent in our own “mainstream” way. AADP is about registering bone marrow donors, particularly of ethnic descent since there is a CRITICAL shortage of minorities on the registry. (However, all diverse backgrounds are encouraged to register–leaving no one out here!) 3) I have been personally invested in this non-profit for some time for many reasons. The main reason being that my dad survived cancer and I do not want anyone else to go through the struggle of trying to find a match. IMPORTANT: Even if you didn’t win, something more important than monetary donations is actually registering as a bone marrow donor yourself! It takes 0 to register a person, but to register is FREE! All you need to do is request a mail-in kit or attend a drive in person, swab your cheek, and fill out a form. It’s THAT easy. Thank you ALL for making this
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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