Will Schwarzenegger be back on the big screen?

tv movie script
Image by christyfrink
Morgan and I are sometimes on a podcast called Cinegeek and we’re supposed to talk about movies, TV, and comic books but we usually go horribly off-script. Which is probably why they keep having us back. Happy 100th episode, fellas!

And right after I left here was that freak snowstorm.

Will Schwarzenegger be back on the big screen?
With a resume that includes champion body builder, politician, environmental campaigner and movie star, he has the world at his feet, Hollywood and political insiders say.
Read more on MSNBC

‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ ‘Glee’ Does ‘Rocky Horror,’ And ‘The Walking Dead’ In Today’s Twitter Report
Robert Kirkman got a bit sentimental about “The Walking Dead” on Twitter this morning and shared a quick history footnote about himself and artist Tony Moore. Elsewhere in the feed, Jimmy Palmiotti’s pulling for AMC’s new series to succeed; he’s worried about when he’ll be able to watch it, though. The biggest news by far to […]
Read more on MTV

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