Why is it that some people make it seem like anything fun or entertaining is bad?

Question by sg-7: Why is it that some people make it seem like anything fun or entertaining is bad?
There are people out there that I’ve noticed that are just so snobbish that they’ll do anything to make themselves seem more ‘cultured’ than everyone else. Critics in music, film and Literature especially seem to be like this. They always praise the things that are usually deadly serious, unentertaining or just plain pretentious that hardly anyone likes. Then they label the public as having ‘bad’ taste or as unintelligent. To go even further they label anything that’s fun or entertaining as ‘popcorn’ and anything that’s serious as ‘art’. Several internet movie forums I’ve gone to seem to have this regular behavior where every movie that entertains and does well at the box office is bashed to death, whereas little seen movies don’t get any bashing. Those who do bash the little seen movies get one brutal verbal thrashing. It seems like people are forced to worship the things they don’t like and anyone who doesn’t is labelled a threat. What is it with these sacred cows?
To add further…just in case you get the idea that things that entertain don’t teach you anything, I often learn more from these movies than arthouse cinema (all I learn from that is my own thinking pattern).
‘But seldom do they use creative ‘skill’ or talent.’

Well…how do you know that? From my what I’ve seen, usually something that’s fun or entertaining has far more complexity behind it than something that doesn’t. Think of high-end video games. There’s more complexity in those than math puzzle games. Also sometimes, making things simple depends on what people who have zero background need to operate something. Unless people are really interested in the internal workings of a car, they shouldn’t need to know it to operate it. Also, I doubt a simple music program that puts pre-played rhythms together will really stand out among people for long. Especially they find out how you produced that music.
‘It is talentless, robotic and tasteless.’

Hmmm, this one’s a question I reckon. There’s an art to different genres for example in film making. Usually comedic acting appeals to the masses and is not taken seriously. But comedic acting is actually harder than serious acting. Also movies that appeal to the masses tend to be big budget as well. Think of Star Wars. Usually critically acclaimed films limit the artistry to script and acting. Whereas Star Wars has artistry in set design, costume, action, prop, miniatures, models, special effects, sound effects, prosthetics and many more. I do think that films such as this that appeal to pop culture require more effort.

Best answer:

Answer by T Leeves
concept of fun=sin

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