Why is it ok to have people kill nazis in movies?

Question by Brazil Ape Man: Why is it ok to have people kill nazis in movies?
I don’t understand why all the world’s society is all about killing Nazis. If I were to show a bunch of Nazis butchering and executing the French resistance people would hate it. Why are they still hated.. I mean the Russians killed 20 million of their own people in 6 years… KILLED THEIR OWN PEOPLE… yet nobody seems to hate them.. why are there not movies about how terrible those people were..

Why is there noone talking about how the Japanese executed thousand upon thousands of Chinese in Manchuria.. nobody cares about that either.. say kiling Nazis and everyone goes bananas… it doesn’t even make sense.. in history’s timeline, what Hitler did was really not that bad… if we scale up the battles of medieval Europe they were far far worse.. they butchered innocent people all the time.. the crusades? But hey, who cares, right? Lets all stereotypically hate Nazis instead.. good call!

Pretty much if you are gonna hate me for hating nazis go away.. they should simply be forgotten it is absurd.. hell, i doubt most people can even say when World War II started.. I am tired of people making movies about Nazis.. let us have a movie about Americans butchering the crap out of American Indians.. oh wait that would be offensive.. not at all like the Nazis.. Especially since the Indians simply would butcher all sorts of innocents, not like the Nazis, so.. wtf?!
you sir are an idoit, Mary.. IDIOT!

long before Stalin, the Russians were butchering their own people.. learn your facts

Best answer:

Answer by Brando
Really not many people know about Stalin, I guess he’s not as important? Only time history classes,books, and media mention Stalin is during a Hitler lecture. The only reason they make so many movies about Nazis is because more people know about Hitler and the Nazis and not so many about Stalin, or any of the others you mentioned. They are just after what gets the most profit… and that just so happens to be Nazis. Hope i helped a little.

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