Why Don’t They Make Movies Like They Used To?


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picture. Many feel that this hampered the filmmakers and kept them from making their films as great as they could be. Others feel that this is one of the reason classic films are so good. Filmmakers were forced to be creative in bringing some ideas across to their audiences. Movies were also much more appropriate for a much wider audience. Is it just a coincidence that with the replacement of the morality codes for a rating system, that movie houses lost a major percentage of their audiences. Sure TV took it’s toll but then again TV still had it’s own morality code and the bonus feature of being free (or at least a lot cheaper than going to a movie.) Why is there no one making movies like they used to …challenging but clean. Funny but not filthy. Suspenseful but not gory. Why is it that every “family film” nowadays has to be a cartoon or have an animal in it? The truth is,

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