Which software is the best to use for this?

Question by LickMyButthole: Which software is the best to use for this?
I’m trying to put clips of Randy Orton together to make a video and it’s going to be really cool and stuff. But I don’t what software to use. At first I was going to use Microsoft Clip Organizer but realized that was pretty much only for pictures. Now I’ve been trying to use Windows Movie Maker for a couple of hours now and I haven’t been able to figure out how to get videos off of the internet and put them on there. But, as far as I know, the only way to get videos onto it is to have the computer plugged into a DVD Player or a video camera.

Am I using the wrong software for what I am trying to do?

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
This is a two-parter. First, you need to get the vids you want. There are many apps out there that can “record” or “rip” video from websites. These same apps will allow you to rip content from DVDs. Whatever your source is. Search things like “youtube video ripper” or “download internet videos.”

Secondly, once you have all the RAW data, clips, sounds, etc. You can edit a story board and trim the clips (video or data) to arrange them however you’d like.

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