Which is better: Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Pro Pack or Adobe Premiere Elements 8? Criteria within…?

Question by Max♥ ρ&ѕ к!¢кєяѕ: Which is better: Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Pro Pack or Adobe Premiere Elements 8? Criteria within…?
Okay, so I need a great video editing program and I have narrowed it down to these two. What are the pros and cons of each OR if you choose one over the other, why did you choose it? I need this software so I can make movies (obviously). One kind I need to make is a video for my high school graduation. My friend and I are going to gather media from all of our seniors and make a video to play at our graduation in May so I need software for that. I’m also teaming up with two friends to make a video for a scholarship and if I win, the commercial will be played on television so it needs to be professional. Any tips or ideas are welcome. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Real Z
Sony Vegas is a professional quality editing tool, so it will require a little learning curve but the results are much better. I would recommend getting Sony Vegas. It’s also on sale on Amazon! : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001CPHTAQ?ie=UTF8&tag=thebubrocpro-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001CPHTAQ

Adobe Premiere Elements is more for limited consumer use and it doesn’t really support ACVHD so it requires an expensive Blu Ray burner and disks to share HD video. Reviews for Elements have not been good. If you still want to check out Elements, check it out here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002IJA1DM?ie=UTF8&tag=thebubrocpro-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B002IJA1DM

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