Which Blog Hosted Platform Should I Choose? Blogger, WordPress Or Typepad?


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Which Blog Hosted Platform Should I Choose? Blogger, WordPress Or Typepad?

Firstly, what is Blog Hosted Platform?

They are Blog solution providers that design in away to allow you to host your blog in their server, so you don’t need to host your own blog scripts in your website.

There are 3 giant blog platform providers on the world wide web.

Blogger (Blogspot), WordPress and Typepad.

Which one suitable for Lightworker?


Blogger or called Blogspot, is one of the most popular Blogging tool now.

Why? Because it is free. If you are totally new to blogging, and just want to blog for learning and leisure, choose this one.

Pros: Free, Easy to use, good for those who want to learn how to blogging.

Cons: Less Professional, in term of features, SEO, customization and design templates wise.


This provider getting more popular now, they have


tons of plugins, widgets, blog design templates are totally free for use, all are mostly contributed by user.

I like the administration interface, it clean and easy to navigate.

Their Blog service is free, but you can pay extra to add-on additional features.

When you are using free version, WordPress might sometimes display their advertisements in your blog page, and you can’t put your own ads in it. So if you think you don’t need to earn some cash from Google Adsense or other advertisement media company, then it shouldn’t be any problem for you.

If you decided want to add-on more features to your blog, you can pay extra to do so. That’s mean it is more flexible in a way if you want to get your blog a little more professional.

What you can add-on to your blog?

Your domain name, if you  want to be more professional, you can add-on or


link up your existing domain name with wordpress, which mean you have your own name display for your blog.

For example, www.darreckchen.com instead of darreckchen.woprdpress.com

You can add additional space storage, You can add 5, 15, or 25 gigabytes to your blog, so you’ll have room for your  photos, videos, and music.

Not happy about the look and feel of your blog site? Pay extra to add the CSS customize features to get personal touch, but this one you need to know about CSS design language.

If you think that Youtube quality not good enough, or you want to host your private video for your customer, you can opt for the video hosting feature with Videopress, just upload your video and they will convert it to


web format for you, they also accept HD high definition video.

Those feature above are add-on basis, if you think you need that feature, you pay extra.


Typepad is a professional blog service provider, if you are really serious about blogging, want to have a professional blog site, beautiful blog design template, want to sell your distant healing service or ebook, or simply want to earn passive income with the easiest functionality, choose this one.

They have almost what blogger and WordPress can provide you, like widgets, unlimited storage, use your own domain name, easy publishing navigation, block spam, podcast, and better support. You even you can publish your blog through your mobile phone like iphone.

Typepad also provide you with their own advertising program, so you can use their services to earn extra income if you


want by simply linking it up with your Paypal account.

They also have build in SEO tools, that’s mean people more easier to find your site through search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Of course, things come with a price, if you are willing to spend some little cash, and exchange for the features above. Then you might consider for Typepad.

How much it cost?

They provide 3 plans, starting from .95/Month.

If you have multiple blogs site, the starter plan allow you to host maximum of 3 blogs in one account, if you choose other plan, you get to host unlimited blogs.

I also got a discount code for Typepad, in the registration page, there’s a place before you pay that says “Discount Code”. Enter TYPEPADCAD10 there. This will get you 10% discount for any plan you sign up.



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www.darreckchen.com :: Reiki Practitioner, Healer, SRT Teacher and Energy Therapist.

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