Where can I buy/rent a 35mm movie camera and film stock?

Question by : Where can I buy/rent a 35mm movie camera and film stock?
I despise the way digital movie cameras look, like the Cannon XL1. I prefer the graininess of film. Anyway, I have plenty of money to buy my own 35mm film camera and stock, but do film companies even make them anymore?

Where can I buy or rent my own 35mm movie camera and stock? Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Jim A
Sure they make them. Let me see, Panaflex is the brand used by many studios these days.
Does plenty of money mean over 100-grand? Because that’s what these cameras cost. Put together all the accessories, lighting, tripods for various applications, lenses, lighting and the rest you could be into 300-grand easily… is that what plenty of money means? If so, search on line for Panaflex or Panavision.

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