What’s Your Problem? Episode 14 (Part 1 of 4)

Actress Cathy DeBuono and guest Jill Bennett respond to letters and chat with a group of AE readers from Europe. As Jill references in the vlog, we’ve had a small but growing number of folks join the site in the last several months who don’t seem to know the difference between criticizing the content of vlogs, articles, or comments (which is fine), and making personal attacks (which is not fine). We’ve had a fairly hands-off approach to this in the past, but we’re going to be less tolerant of personal attacks on vloggers, writers, or AfterEllen.com members moving forward. This isn’t a widespread problem — most of you understand the difference just fine — and it’s certainly not unique to AfterEllen.com. Most sites go through these kinds of growing pains as they get bigger, we just want to nip it in the bud. Thanks to all of you for being supportive of the site, and helping us figure this out together. Cathy has created an online community called The CDB at www.cathydebuono.com Among other things there, you can also catch her web series We Have To Stop Now, where she stars beside Jill Bennett & guest starring comedian, Suzanne Westenhoefer. If you have a question to ask, or problem you’d like to see Cathy address on What’s Your Problem? email her at Cathy@cathydebuono.com For quick and easy WYP updates and info, follow Cathy on Twitter!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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