What’s the name of the movie where these kids make their own spaceship and go to space?

Question by Gunner 11: What’s the name of the movie where these kids make their own spaceship and go to space?
It looks like its made in the 80s; there is one really dorky kid with glasses and another guy and girl. They go to space and make alien friends and at the end of the movie the aliens parents come and ground them.

Best answer:

Answer by fxrfxd


IMDb summary:
This adventurous space tale stars Ethan Hawke and young star River Phoenix as misfit best friends whose dreams of space travel become a reality when they create an interplanetary spacecraft in their homemade laboratory. Ben Crandall is a young visionary who dreams of space travel while watching late-night B monster movies, pouring over comic books, and playing Galaga in the confines of his bedroom. But one night he has a vivid dream of flying over a space-like circuit board and shares his visions with his best friend Wolfgang, a young scientific genius who is able to translate his dreams into a complex computer program that actually works. With the help of their new friend, they create a homemade spacecraft and embark on a secret adventure to another galaxy where they find that things are not always as different as they seem.

Also, look for a young Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix. and Amanda Peterson as some of the stars.

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