whats the difference in implementation of scripts in internet explorer and Firefox?

Question by Bleakwell: whats the difference in implementation of scripts in internet explorer and Firefox?
Basically i need to know how scripts are implemented in internet explorer and then how they are implemented in firefox, i need a in depth answer please with multiple differences in implementation between the two. Any answer would be greatly appreciated
I know they dont have any scripts but they do have to ‘read’ the scripts my question is how do the two browsers differ in this

Best answer:

Answer by Majid
Firefox and Internet Explorer are only web browsers and don’t have any scripts. They only used to display scripts that web developers write.

The webpage (HTML code, javascript, PHP, JSP …) can be written in a simple text editor like Notepad. Then saved in a proper file extension like HTML of PHP. Firefox and Internet Explorer can then display those codes.

Firefox and Internet Explorer are “supposed” to be cross-compatible. That is, when you write a code for the web, both browsers are supposed to display the page in the same way. This is true most of the times, but when the code or script gets complicated one of them might screw the display up. And thats why most web developers try to make their codes cross-compatible among different web browsers by optimizing their codes.

Hope I answered your question!

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