What would be a good affordable camera for recording movies?

Question by Chris Hendricks: What would be a good affordable camera for recording movies?
I cant afford to spend thousands of dollars for a camera right now.So what would be an affordable camera with quality good enough for making movies with? What specs would i need to look for in a camera to make good quality recording for a movie?
guess i should have added that id like it to have night vision and flashlight built in.

Best answer:

Answer by John Prama
I am a cameras collector. I think the best digital cameras for you are Panasonic ZS7 or Nikon P7000, they are really affordable

I’ve just bought two of them, and they are great for recording movies. I bought it online at:

Panasonic ZS7: http://www.panasoniczs7.org

Nikon P7000: http://www.nikonp7000deal.com

They offer cheap prices. You should check them. GOOD LUCK!

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