What software/hardware do I need to edit my own music clips to movie scenes..?

Question by West Coast Flatlander: What software/hardware do I need to edit my own music clips to movie scenes..?
I would love to get into editing and making short clips to films/games with music over the top, such as all the ones you see on YouTube.
I have no idea what kind of software I need to do this kind of thing, or how to even get the footage from movies.
What do I need to do this kind of thing..?? A dvd player on my computer to get the footage..?? What about the software..?? I would prefer to get something free online, but I don’t mind paying for something if it’s good.
Could someone please tell me what I need, and suggest any programs/hardware that I need to to some simple, fun editing.
Thank you 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by BMXkid
Well of Course you need a video camera to capture footage. Well I use to edit videos for about $ 5 each video, but i stopped to ge into BMX. I started off with Windows Movie maker and i have So many Pulg-ins that i edit better than a guy with a good software. So you should get Windows Movie Maker and then download the plug-ins you need.

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