what is the better movie editing program to buy?

Question by AEagleLuv: what is the better movie editing program to buy?
I am in eighth grade and I am going to be making a movie with my friends for a science project soon and I wanted a better movie editor than Movie Maker. I am very good with computers so I would pick things up pretty fast but I wanted to know if Sony Vegas Pro 8 was better for a (somewhat) beginner or if I should start out with the regular Sony Vegas. btw I can’t get iMovie, don’t have a Mac.

Best answer:

Answer by diseal3
I honestly woulden’t recomend imovie anyway. It’s a nice piece of software, however takes some getting used to. I would recomend the Sony Vegas, I heard some really good things about it. Also if you want to get into video editing I HIGHLY recomend the basic Sony Vegas AND Adobe Photoshop CS3, simply because video is like pictures, you won’t always come out half decent. You can convert video into still frames fix what u need and put it back in. That way nobody is dissapointed on the way they look while watching your final masterpiece.

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