What is the best way to make a tornado for a low budget movie?

Question by the suicide stalker: What is the best way to make a tornado for a low budget movie?
and if you know how to make other disaster effects on a low budget
like a black hole
a wave
id love to know them too.
anything you can tell me about making special effects for a disaster movie on a low budget
would be great

Best answer:

Answer by markwillstar
well i can think of two ways to do a tornado

1st: “Twister” used a windsock wrapped around a pole. Do that and edit out the background

2nd: do a coke bottle tornado. I dont know if you can still buy it, but people used to have a device you attached to 2 bottles. Fill one as full as you want, then swirl it around for a few seconds and turn it upside down. It will have a tornade effect as it fills the other bottle.

you could do either and edit the background.

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