What is the best program to use for making youtube videos?

Question by : What is the best program to use for making youtube videos?
By “BEST” I mean which ones have the coolest effects. I use windows movie maker but i want my videos more… i dunno… more eye popping i guess. ive heard of Sony Vegas, does that really work as good as people say? And is it an easy program?
my account is TwilightxKelsey2110 if you wanna check my videos and see what i mean.

thanks so much 😀
and it would help if it was free, but that would make it hard cause nothings free these dayss 🙁

Best answer:

Answer by Fullback
Probably Camtasia and Sony Vegas 8. Neither are free.

And these are professional programs, they are not easy to use.

Use Hypercam and WMM to start.

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