What Is A Good / Easy Stop Motion Software?

Question by : What Is A Good / Easy Stop Motion Software?
I make videos on youtube with legos and stop motion. I’ve always used Windows Movie Maker, however with Movie Maker you can only record one voice over for the video. I use many characters, sound effects, and music in my videos and many times I need more than one to play at a time.
I solve this by using a music recording software (Sony Acid Music Player), but in order to do this I first have to play the video and do a recording of me talking into the camera saying what is happening in the video to remember when I do my voice overs.
This takes much longer than I imagine it would with a software where you record multiple voice overs. It isn’t hard, but annoying at times.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a cheap software (close to/preferably under 100) that is similar to Windows Movie Maker and has a somewhat easy interface.
Additional points if it is also able to produce/edit regular videos not just stop motion (I also make normal videos on Youtube)

Best answer:

Answer by Sofina
In your case, i suppose Photo MovieTheater is the best bet for you.
It is a video maker program that can help you make video with pictures and video clips. and you can add background music, narration, illustration, text, etc to the video. if you want to upload the video to YouTube, just output the video with FLV format. and the program is cheap.

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