What Goes Into Making A Killer Squeeze Page? – The Behind Scenes Work Of Expert Designers


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What Goes Into Making A Killer Squeeze Page? – The Behind Scenes Work Of Expert Designers

Making squeeze pages is an art. And just like every other art that can be performed only by an artist, there are artists for making squeeze pages as well. There are many aspects to it that need to be taken care of keeping the visitor in view.

1) When making the page, a designer always puts two questions to himself. These are –
What will the visitor like? This is not an easy question to answer. His visual judgment aided by experience filters through several options until he gets to the right one for your market and the product.

2) The second question he asks is – what you, the marketer needs? When you work with a designer, you would be asked to state your requirements. There is a lot of flexibility as when doing so. You can let the designer know of your idea for the copy as well apart from just the design of the page. Since designers are


also equally adept at SEO, you never know how good your copy can be made.

That apart, getting a page designed will make you come out with something new. Since the competition is intense, and everybody is trying to do well, a visitor is looking for anything and everything different.

If you show a distinguishing character on your page, you have held his gaze. Now if your headline is good, he will go on to the text and you can be reasonably certain that he will sign up.

While text is important for conveying a message, it is not as effective as a video. Comprehending this is no rocket science. You would rather watch a movie than read a book. The same principle applies for squeeze pages too. A video presentation will hold a visitor and give you a chance to talk to him.

As several of the highest converters have pointed out, video is the way to go. Text


is now being associated with the small guys and having text alone could seriously undermine your chances.

Don’t spend your resources using a cliched and unproductive template when affordable professional video squeeze pages can be tailor made for your Business to establish it as an authority in your market..

With over 5 years, 600custom tailored video squeeze pages creations, Venkata Ramana’s Internet marketing outsourcing company serves more than 300 top Internet marketing businesses.

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Sagi_Venkata_Ramana

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