What did you think of the Twilight Movie?

Question by Simple: What did you think of the Twilight Movie?
Personally, it was good. But compared to the book, the book was sooo much better.

The acting was really good but not that passionate (for some actors). Important scenes were never shown) <---for example when Bella and Edward are watching Romeo and Juliet on the couch, what they talk about relates to the second book. Some scenes were to short. Therefore, the movie was to short. With such a popular well-known series, the director should make the movie as good as possible! Hopefully, if they do another movie based on the second book, they would do a better job. Overall though it was an enjoyable movie and I'll go see it again =) Best answer:

Answer by lea’ potter.
I liked it even though they changed some things. They had to so it wouldn’t be super long. I loved the facial expressions. The movie was funny and sad and scary =) I cried when Bella left Charlie; he looked so sad. I thought it was really funny when Edward was reading people’s minds and he said “sex. money. sex. money. sex. cat.” I am so ready for New Moon. The end was great–Victoria at the prom.

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