What aspects of The Social Network won it more acclaim than Inception at the Golden Globes?

Question by Your Best Friend: What aspects of The Social Network won it more acclaim than Inception at the Golden Globes?
I don’t intend for this to be a contentious question.
I liked both The Social Network and Inception.
I understand that the Social Network potentially defines a generation, but Inception is making so many All-Time Top 10 Lists whereas Social Network won’t live up to that. Plus, on top of that, it’s blown the minds of audiences everywhere.

So I’m genuinely interested to hear from people who know a little bit about the film-industry, movie-making, directing, and the finer details of the art…
Why ‘The Social Network’ over ‘Inception’ at the Golden Globes? (And, potentially, the Oscars?)
Even, if you like Inception, maybe try to play Devil’s Advocate and defend The Social Network to help me answer my question if you can. Thank you.

I think Aaron Sorkin took a dig at Christopher Nolan tonight when he said: The people who watch movies are at least as smart as the people who make movies. I think that was meant as a shot at Inception, but I can’t be sure.

Best answer:

Answer by PrettyKitty
I agree. I think The Social Network snubbed a few awards. Best Picture and Best Score. The Social Network is great but I think Inception had a better plot too.

Inception was an original idea, whereas The Social Network was Facebook. It’s like making a movie about Myspace. It’s right there. You can look at it and make a movie. People had to actually think up Inception. The Social Network was great, but it wasn’t as original.

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