what are your opinions on the twilight cast?

Question by nic: what are your opinions on the twilight cast?
i am just curious as to how everyone feels about the cast of twilight. when i first heard they were going to make a twilight movie i was extatic. then as the cast list and movie trailers started to come out i began to get less and less excited and now i am completly disapointed of the whole idea of turning the book into a movie. the books are so amazing and i know there is no way the movie can compare.

– my opinions on the cast –
Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) – just plain awful!! does anyone else think her voice just sounds odd and very monotone. her acting skills are terrible and she is all around not in any way how i pictured bella.
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) – i actually do not have a problem with robert as edward. its as close as you can get. how are you going to pass someone who is pale and old fashioned as a modern day “greek god”? its nearly impossible and i think that its as close as you can get.
Charlie – i mean i could care less about charlie but its just not at all how i pictured him.
Alice, Emmet, Jasper, Rosalie – no problems, i think visually they fit the part, but im just not 100% convinced yet since i have only seen pictures. i guess i will have to wait until to movie to know.
James and Victoria – i think james is 100%perfect and the same with victoria, i just wish her hair was slightly more red.
Laurent – he is black!! im NOT racist, but in the book he is described as pale skinned with a more olive looking complexion and short dark hair. NOT black with long dreads.
Jacob Black – i love love love Taylor Lautner as the “twilight jacob” who looks like a little kid. his face is perfect and so is his smile. but if they plan on making more movies they are going to have to get him to grow!

Best answer:

Answer by the_megadork
i dont really like kristen stewart, shes not a good bella. i cannot look at robert pattison without thinking of him as the hufflepuff who was killed by voldemort. im ok with charlie. i dont think rosalie is pretty enough but im ok with the rest. im not racist either but i agree with you on laurent. i dont like taylor lautner as jacob, he looks more hawaiian than native american.

i think edward should be played by Gaspard Ulliel

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