What are things to watch for in making a GOOD short movie with a home video camera?

Question by stillearning: What are things to watch for in making a GOOD short movie with a home video camera?
I am planning to make a movie, specifically, a short, with my friends in the summer. Of course, since I want it to be good, I need to watch out for things to make my movie the best it could be. What do I watch out for? How do you make those microphone things that actors get to have? If I edit the movie on the computer and add backgrond music will I still hear the actors’ voices? Any helpful sites to cover all of this anymore? THANKS.

Best answer:

Answer by melodie6384
well, usually all the really good movies, especially like independent films and stuff, have a lot of drama and intenseness, probably cuz it makes people think. as for editing the movie on the computer and adding background music, you have to make the music almost subtle, like really soft but enough so that you can still hear it, and then you should still be able to hear the actors’ voices. i dunno if this would help but if you go to www.imdb.com you might get some tips, just enter a movie that people have really liked and click on some things there. hope this helped in any ways

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