What are some things i can put on an poster to attract people?

Question by : What are some things i can put on an poster to attract people?
ok so im making a poster to advertise Movie club. I wrote “come have fun with friends. Free snacks” i need something to really real them in. plz?

Best answer:

Answer by Mark V
Who is your target market?

Try and gain the interest of your target by making the poster specific to them – also placement of the poster to directly target this group too.

But generally speaking, short phrase in big letters. Something original and interesting.

As it is a movie club I may put:

“Blockbuster entertainment for you and your friends!”

then a smaller phrase:

“Popcorn included!!”

I would try and avoid “Free snacks” as it is not specific and gives a negative impression.

EDIT: I would also include some names of the films you are showing – and have a cool background 🙂

Good luck!

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