What are some movie trailers featuring the voice guy?

Question by HaserX: What are some movie trailers featuring the voice guy?
I need to see some examples for a project I am working on for an art class of mind. I making an animated movie trailer with that voice.

Here are some example of this voice if you have no idea what im talking about.



Best answer:

Answer by nora the explorer
Don LaFontaine… He narrates America’s Most Wanted?



I believe he mainly does movie trailers, and not in the movie itself.

Sorry, you did say trailer in the question, I apparently just didn’t read it. Haha.

He did the Terminator 2 trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTr6HmhLvRc), and Fatal Attraction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1QuLIPFZL0)… Friday the 13th (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ3QFAxTjzQ) And a bunch of others…

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