What are some funny movie/TV show quotes?

Question by : What are some funny movie/TV show quotes?
Like “That’s what she said” from the Office and “The last time I heard that fell off of my dinosaur” from Stepbrothers. It can be dirty. Oh and I’m in high school if that matters. I want it so i can say it a lot almost like a catch phrase. Make sure its not overused or extremely popular

Best answer:

Answer by Mervo Ng
LOL I know one recent “that’s what she said” phrase that was used in the movie Battle Los Angeles (and it was AWESOME).
*an army jeep running through a tunnel with aliens* *2 soldiers in jeep with one girl at the passenger and a male driving*
*a dead alien body breaks through half of the front window*
*girl shoots body*
gooey stuff gets in her mouth*
girl says “ah I got this nasty stuff all over my mouth”
*boy chuckles*
girl says “it’s not funny”
boy says “have you ever been on a first date?”

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