What are careers that are involved in the making of claymation movies?

Question by Alison J: What are careers that are involved in the making of claymation movies?
Ever since the garden scenes in Coraline I LOVED claymation. I think it’s really fascinating and unique. I really want to do something involving creating claymation movies and was wondering what jobs are involved in the making of them?

Best answer:

Answer by benzington
Many jobs!
On a basic scale, you can work on character design (on a pre-production level, and on a concept art level), and rigging of the character (building the character and making sure it moves), also then actually animating.
Depending on the scale of the project there are people who focus on animating certain things– humans, trees etc.
Also, if you’re interested in animation and not strictly claymation, there are story board artists, colorists, lighting and plenty more. It’s a huge thing with many people involved.

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