we bought software to make a movie onto a dvd for our computer but don’t have a dvd burner.?

Question by Kim G: we bought software to make a movie onto a dvd for our computer but don’t have a dvd burner.?
Is there a way to save what we do and take it somewhere to do the actual burning onto the dvd??? I did not know we didn’t have a burner and my daughter really wants to make this movie for a friend for a gift any suggestions???

Best answer:

Answer by Tie_Guy
If you have a large capacity external hard drive or USB flash disk (big enough for the content you want to make into a DVD), then you can use that to take it somewhere to burn your disc, like a friends house. They would also need to have DVD burning software and a DVD burner.

If you don’t have such a drive, you’d be better off picking up a DVD burner for your computer. Internal desktop burners can be purchased online for less than 40 dollars, and they’re relatively easy to install… or at least you probably know someone that can install one for you.

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