Watch Twilight: Eclipse Movie Online For Free In High Quality


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there was more from all the Cullens, which was nice.  Jasper’s “Texas” accent slipped in an out and was uniformly bad—I should know, I’m a Texas girl—but he’s my favorite so I forgave it.  But the “tender” scenes between Bella and Edward just played flat.  Their negotiations about marriage came out of nowhere and were a bit too PG13 to convey the importance of the moment.  And that ring…holy crap.  What part of simple, old-fashioned elegance didn’t they understand?  That gaudy thing looked like it came out of the discount bin at Claire’s.  Bella should have turned him down just for trying to fob something that ugly off as an engagement ring!

The script wasn’t the greatest; there were lines that got thrown in that seemed more like they had to put them in because they come back later than because they necessarily made sense or were properly explained in this

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