VLC Player, subtitles, help?

Question by mischievouskittty: VLC Player, subtitles, help?
im watching a movie on VLC Player (version 8.6) and it has subtitls in french, i was wondering how to get rid of them, i had a quick look on the menu and couldnt see anything on there about the subtitles, so i looked on google, this one person on a forum said to go to ‘Video” and disable it on the Subtitle section, but i couldnt see anything that said disable, so i went through the settings again myself and found the subtitle section by clicking on ‘Settings’, ‘Preferences’, ”Video” on the left panel, then i clicked the little cross next to ”Video” and it opened up a sub-menu, i then clicked ‘Subtitles/OSD’ then unchecked the box that says ‘Autodetect subtitle files’, i was hopeing that would stop the subtitles from showing up on the movie, but it didnt make any diffrence, can somebody please tell me how to turn them off?

Best answer:

Answer by -=Seta San=-
The subtitles maybe actually in the video, in which case they are not possible to remove.

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