US Caught Lying About Iran Supplying Weapons to Insurgents

Keith Olbermann warns America that the Bush Administration is attempting to manufacture phony evidence linking American deaths in Iraq to weapons supplied by Iran. Why would they do this? Well, to justify attacking Iran, for starters. YOU DO REALIZE, THEY ARE MAKING THIS UP ABOUT IRAN! Please keep this video in mind in case the Bush (or, god forbid, McCain) Administration claims that Iran launched a terrorist attack on America somehow. It’s clear that the Republican war profiteers want an excuse to invade Iran, and it’s clear that they are willing to manufacture any excuse to do so. Originally aired on May 13, 2008 on Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Sorry about the Windows Media Center border around the video; I had to use screen capture software to get around all the DRM garbage built into Windows. The Liar called out in this clip is US Major General Kevin J. Bergner, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Iraq.
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