Unrealistic standards of beauty?

Question by nobody: Unrealistic standards of beauty?
I do realize that magazines ads make women look like dead stick bugs and that they make girls throw up and feel bad about themselves. However shouldn’t people just get over it rather than complaining about it. As hard as it is to believe some girls actually do look like that and there is nothing you can do to shelter young girls from seeing them and feeling like crap so why do we bother trying to change the way women look in movies, magazines, cartoons and dolls?
You are so right gnu

Best answer:

Answer by Priscilla B
One thing we can do is continue to have a dialogue about it. If girls are going to be exposed to those images, then to balance it out, there should also be people sending the message that no, that’s not realistic, and you should feel OK about yourself for what you are. So no, I don’t think people should just stay quiet and “get over it.”

Besides, some people have succeeded in changing things. In Brazil, there’s now a legal limit on how thin a model can be for her height. I checked it out and it’ seems like a fair limit. This was done after yet another South American model died of anorexia, so it’s not only good for consumers, it also keeps standards reasonable within the industry.

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