Tyler Madea’s Family Reunion

An unstoppable force of nature, Madea may have finally taken on more than she can chew. She has just been court ordered to be in charge of Nikki, a rebellious runaway, her nieces are experiencing relationship trouble, and through it all she has to organize her family reunion. As the reunion approaches, secrets are revealed and tensions rise. Madea must use every tactic in her arsenal not only to keep the peace, but to keep her family together.
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10 Million Views, 22 Pk Videos, 5 Accounts, 1 Person. Accounts Used: Bonesaw-Pk, Ice Giant 99, Uaex V Jad, I Xx Xx Xx I, Bonesaw–PK (Also known as Bonesaw Bamf). Its been fun guys. I pretty much grew up playing this game (Started when I was 13) Ive played this game for god knows how long but i enjoyed every second of it. But more than that i played because i loved making videos. Leave a comment, ill make sure i read every single one. I will not make rs videos (if i do it will be VERY rare) so UNSUBSCRIBE if you want, i will make some other game montages / playthroughs / guides with commentaries, FPS shooters, RPGS (Like Diablo 3 when it comes out) www.youtube.com ^^ A reason why i quit Runescape (I mean Botscape) This took ALOT of hours looking through footage of 21 videos but I really enjoyed making this video, put in effort for my true fans. Dont know what else to say Ive done almost all that you can PvP in this game, its been an epic journey. Last thing I wanna say is do what you have fun in, dont let others control what you do / play. Remember that this is a game for entertainment. Notable Accomplishments: – Founded Final Ownage Elite (Now a 6 year old Pure Pking Clan) – The first to wear a full statius for a pk video (My first set was 45M) -Popularized “Combo Breaking” Anchor maul combos -Made initiate / statius build popular 20 Def Maxed pure pking (99 Attack) – Pked as 1 defence, 10 defence, maxed main, 60 att pure, 75 att pure 99 att pure, 60 att turmoil 75 att

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