TurboCAD Furniture Maker – Entering of camera position and view direction

TurboCAD Furniture Maker (TCFM) is a special macro created for woodworkers, designers interested in the production of furniture and interior designers and studios. Included in TCFM are a symbols library for kitchen, home and office furniture, including chairs, tables and cabinets. Through the use of the TCFM program, it is easy to make changes to both the material and the size (dimensions) of the furniture models with which you are working. By using the included library of furniture, the user can very simply generate a new size or line of furniture derived from one of the existing types. Once created, furniture can be inserted into your TurboCAD drawing or saved as symbols into a TurboCAD library. Further modification within TurboCAD is easy and the furniture symbols can be used in effective interior design presentations. For example, if you create a 3D kitchen design and you or your customer wants to make changes to either a cabinet’s doors, door handles, edges or color, it is possible to do this almost immediately, owing to the parametric nature of the furniture created with TCFM. TCFM also allows for the export of the furniture information. This information can be exported in either a CSV or XML fomat and such data can then be further used as a Bill of Materials or other business purposes. TurboCAD Furniture Maker is compatible with TurboCAD Professional v12 to v16 and TurboCAD DELUXE v12 to v16 (TCFM in TC DELUXE program is able to assign material to elements but not
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