TOP 5 things I learned from making my first feature film


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with the guy, I hired him to do sound for my movie. Let’s now forward to the shooting dates, this guy had one of the worst attitudes I’ve ever seen. He kept complaining and whining like a little kid about my shot selection, how I was running my production, making smart, sarcastic remarks. After four days of working with this guy, I had finally had enough. I fired him and got a buddy of mine to help me record the sound for the remainder of the shoot.  All this could of been avoid if I had simply meet this guy for coffee before hiring him. Which leads me to my next lesson learned.

3. The first impression you get from someone (actor or crew member) over the phone or in person is usually their best side and they may only get worst over time.

If an actor walks into the audition room and begins to behave a certain way that maybe annoys you or you

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