Things were going well, then he sees me with my ex, psychological tricks advice?

Question by coolgal082004: Things were going well, then he sees me with my ex, psychological tricks advice?
*If you don’t want to read the whole thing, just know I need psychological tricks to get a guy to stop ignoring every now and then and show he cares. Also know he’s highly intelligent and has turn the tables on me most times*

ok, so I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years. I continue being his friend and started seeing someone new in the process. I’ve been seeing the new person a year now. However, I’m trying to get him to take me more seriously! So I figured if I took measures to do so without mention of them, I was hoping he’d notice. I’ve stopped being flirty with other boys and have dedicated myself to only being with the new guy. I also stopped talking to my ex as a friend, seeing as though things didn’t change much since he’s been in love with me this whole time. I’m usually the heartbroken, including with the same ex cause he used to be (not anymore though) a big fat a**hole. I figured I’d hurt him less if we stopped talking completely as well. Nonetheless, it’s heartbreaking to me to be the heartbreaker, something I’ve never done. However, I have been going through so much nowadays, no not relationship wise, and my friends are limited and not really giving me the time I needed cause they’ve got their own important stuff to do. So I really haven’t hung out with anyone, maybe like once a week for like 2-3 hrs. I’m a party animal that hasn’t partied in weeks, so I’m pretty… you know sad or whatever. It hardly happens but it’s happening and my ex has always been there. I made the mistake of hanging out with him. Nothing happened other than a few kisses…. cause I really have been with just the new guy for a LONG while….BUT we went to a red box to rent some movies, my ex driving my car… and as we were driving off, the new guy I’m really into saw us together. I don’t think he’s aware that was my ex, but he was aware that my ex was calling me like crazy a week before that happened (ex found out about the new guy finally). The new guy texted me right afterwards all nonchalantly and was “curious who I was watching movies with” with a wink in the text like he doesn’t even care grrrr… And just the week before I was told him he was my only one at the moment while being kinda passionate….and I don’t wanna seem like a liar, cause I don’t lie to him ever.
Perhaps he put two and two together but I was really getting somewhere finally and now he’s not texting or calling at all! I tried hanging out once and was indirectly rejected to hang out. It seems that every time he gets closer to me, he ignores me couple days or weeks before talking to me again.Now not only was he getting closer, he saw me with my ex. So he’s ignoring me, and I freakin hate that s**t cause it’s pointless in my view..
I need psychological tricks into making him crazy about me. Well, not crazy, I don’t want someone glued to me, just really like me and make me know it. What do I have to do to get some affection from hiiiimmm! Like for realz, I don’t even ask for much or even a relationship. I just like knowing I’m the favorite and need reassurance and affection. I’m not needy, TRUST me on that, he’s just that confusing!! 🙁
I’ve ignored him too (weeks at that), seem like I don’t care, I’ve tried giving him just a little more affection, I’ve done about everything! He’s been really into me, and he’s cared less. He’s highly intelligent (something that’s always been a huge turn on to me) in silent ways as well… so I’m guessing this is all games…?? I can figure out most people, but this new guy is an oddball and really interesting to me to figure out and I guess that’s one of the things that has kept me around so long. However, I wanna reach his level of thinking! I feel left behind, again, cause I’m not into mind games. I’ve had other people try to figure him out and always get different answers or an “I don’t know” from someone wayyyyy better at figuring out than I am. I’m 20 and everyone says I act like a mid20 year old and he’s 26 so I don’t know if age is the issue. He’s quite, the hipster I suppose you can call him that.
But again, need advice on the psychological tricks. I don’t know what to do! I want to be known as a girl he’s interested in and not a friend that people aren’t aware of her existence in his life.

Best answer:

Answer by Charles S
no mind games just tell him what’s going on also no ultimatums but if he doesn’t change leave it’ll hurt but you’ll get over it

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