The Sims 2- Building a House 9 – Part 2- Interior (HD)

Okie dokie, this is the interior part of house 9! Few things worth mentioning: 1) If you haven’t seen part 1, watch it now! 2) Thanks to Purdonnnnn1873 for asking me to make this house, no annotation for you! 3) I made a pantry in the kitchen, looks really good, expect that in more houses to come 4) There are a few feature walls, they do their job well! 5) The bar in the theater couldve been better if the room was bigger 6) I’ve started using the 45 degree angle cheat 7) I keep forgetting to build the house with a sim family, so I can show you the nighttime effects, because lights don’t turn on with the day/night button 8) I’m running out of nice bedroom combinations 9) This is my all time favourite house!!! It trumps my 6th one by miles I think thats it… enjoy this house as much as I enjoyed making it! I doubt I can make a house as good as this one again, but stay tuned and I’ll make one sometime soon!

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