The Relentless March of The Gini Coefficient

The Relentless March of The Gini Coefficient
The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion developed by the Italian statistician Corrado Gini and published in his 1912 paper “Variability and Mutability”. Worldwide, Gini coefficients for income range from approximately 0.23 (Sweden) to 0.70 (Namibia) although not every country has been assessed. No matter how the Department of Statistics jiggle the numbers, Singapore’s […]
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Film schooled – The stateâs subsidizing film productions, but can Alaskans compete with Hollywood pros for paychecks?
Alaska’s $ 100 million film incentive program won’t expire until July 2013 and the money isn’t nearly spent, so why is there legislation in Juneau to extend the program another decade and dole out $ 200 million in state subsidies? The answer mirrors an argument Alaskans often hear from oil companies, who are afraid of a fickle tax structure changing twice a decade. Hollywood wants stable subsidies …
Read more on Anchorage Press

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