The Physics of Starship Battles: Artificial Gravity and Centrifugal Force

(I fixed the audio. +89 views from the previous upload) So here we have an explanation for Starship gravity. In the depths of outer space, there isnt supposed to be ANY gravity. And yet, in every TV show we see everyday, our protagonists wander around their spaceships with nary a care in the world. They mention the topic once “oh by the way we have gravity” and then never bring it up again, never explaining how its done. Well, can we produce artificial gravity? Yes. But not in the way you expect. 😉 Here I explain the REAL way we’re likely to generate our own gravity once we get into space, including its various applications and equations involved, using many clips from various shows that get it alternatively wrong- -and right. 😉 So welcome to my latest “5 min” movie. Honestly, these things never start out as ten minute escapades, they just always end up there after saying “well I have to explain this and I have to explain that.” It always makes sense in the end, so whatever. 😉 So, there I was in my latest job, trying to come up with a new idea for a movie, book, and what else all simultaneously, when I get not ONE idea for a new movie, but several. For example I got a rip-roaring good idea for one about cloaking devices, but THIS idea just demanded to be made. This topic reached out and said “you’re not making anything else until you make me.” Very well. 😉 After all, I’ve had this idea floating around for a while, but it never came all together in one spot until I

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