The Hunger Games Casting: Who should play “Katniss”? – Become a Fan! – Follow Us! Hollywood is all abuzz about the Hunger Games – now the only question is who will star in the upcoming movie. ClevverTV breaks in down right now! Hey hey movie lovers. I’m Joslyn Davis at our headquarters with news on a new movie in the making, Hunger Games. Everyone is Hollywood is obsessed with this new project, in fact a lot of insiders are even speculating that it could be the next big thing, sort of like Twilight. But first, the film needs a director and of course actors! So the question of the day is who will star as the young hero, Katniss? Well, if USA Today is on the right track, then Chloe Moretz, who at just 13, has already been in big time movies like 500 Days of Summer, Diary of Wimpy Kid and Kiss Ass, is the front runner for the part. The same article in USA Today also mentions Kristen Stewart, who has the opposite problem, as she’s 20. If you had to pick, who do you guys think would be the perfect choice? Katniss is 16 in the movie. So, Maybe someone in between the age gap, like Dakota Fanning? Give us your thoughts right here. And for casting news on this project when it breaks, follow @ClevverTV on twitter. I’m Joslyn Davis, thanks for watching, see you next time!
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