The Catalog – OR – “I Want to Beat Edward Cullen with a Stick!”

DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT WRITE THIS. OTAHYONI DID. And I don’t own any of the music used in the video. Only the puppet and sound effects and whatnot are mine. I’m not making any sort of profit off of this and I’m not trying to steal anything; IT’S NOT MINE. Please don’t sue me or take the video down! Please? If the video starts to bore you at the beginning, either be patient or skip ahead to the next third. The best is yet to come. 😉 Okay, I read this article/review/twilight basher thing on… …and it was so brilliant and so amazingly funny that I felt compelled to share it with as many anti-Twilighters and haven’t-read-Twilight-yet-ers as I could (to save their innocent brain cells of the damage). BTW, please do read the original. There’s a parody of Twilight at the end that I couldn’t fit in the video, but it’s the BEST PART. If you think all the stuff in my video’s funny, just go check out the parody. 🙂 Anyways, emailing links to everyone gets tiresome after a while. Plus, I recently got some cool new software (think Windows Movie Maker, only 10 times better) that I wanted to play around with. Another factor was that I wanted to see what The Catalog would look like brought to life; the idea was too fun to pass up. And thus, this video was born. So no, I did not write it; Otahyoni did. Give HER the praise (or the rants, depending on who you are) for this. But the puppet is my creation, and yes that’s my voice. The sound

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