The Best (and Worst) PC Movie and TV Services

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The Best (and Worst) PC Movie and TV Services
We evaluate eight ways to turn your computer into an on-demand video entertainment center, including Amazon, Clicker, Hulu, iTunes, and more. Clicker – Hulu – ITunes – IPhone – Entertainment
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Glowing from satisfaction with her recently completed 3-D movie Resident Evil: Afterlife (RE:A).
Read more on The Electric New Paper

Pittsburgher Wentworth Miller joins the latest installment of video-game-to-film franchise “Resident Evil.”
Atop most best-of lists of video-game-to-film adaptations, you’re sure to find “Resident Evil,” an impressive feat when you consider that Hollywood has had so little luck turning games into box-office gold. Witness “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,” which saw a big budget ($ 200 million plus), a big studio (Disney) and a big name (Jake Gyllenhaal) declared one of the flops of summer 2010.
Read more on Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

London asks for Aussie help on Olympics
London has appealed for Australia’s help in recreating one spectacularly successful facet of Sydney’s 2000 Olympics – its army of volunteers.
Read more on Brisbane Times

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