Test der Freeware “Magix Slideshow Maker”

This program is totally free, it must be registered only. Download size 45 MB. It is very easy to use. It gives you the choice of different general slide show effects but unfortunately with no individual control related to individual pictures. The output file is in wmv-Format. As the first step of production you choose the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio. Finally when writing the file you have the choice of many different resolutions up to HDTV 1080. This is a consistent and logic workflow. This file was produced as 16:9 and saved with HDTV 720. And the result shows as it should in YT. Before making a 16:9 slideshow I would recommended to crop the pictures to the desired aspect ratio (what I did this time). If not, there is no control what part of the picture the program uses, but it works anyhow. There is a more professional version offered by Magix that costs about 30 Euro. Video deluxe is too big and too expensive to only use it for slide shows.

Test video for 720p HD quality. After making this movie, minor changes were found for “best quality youtube videos”. These are the steps I used to make WoW videos on youtube. 1) Record at 25 or 30 fps at 1280×720 (I used fraps for this). Be sure you set graphics in game with antialiasing, good draw distance, textures, etc. 2) I then compressed the raw (huge) video files into h.264 high definition codec, to save space. With good settings (I used 20 on the the slider), a 10 minute video is just under 300 megs, and virtually indistinguishable from the raw video. I use virtualdub (freeware) for all my video editing. 3) Stream in mp3 at 128 kbps and 44 hhz (I use audacity – freeware – for all audio editing then back to virtualdub to reintegrate the sound/movie). 4) Upload and enjoy the final product (after 1-2 hours of youtube-side processing). Prestige, at prestigeguild.org is closing it’s doors, but we’ll be back with more videos in the future.

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