
Computer fan making a noise the turbo fan when watching a movie or using google earth?

Question by white: Computer fan making a noise the turbo fan when watching a movie or using google earth? Why is it the turbo fan makes a noise when watching a movie or using google earth ? What math… Continue reading

Computer fan making a noise the turbo fan when watching a movie or using google earth?

by Arianna_M(on travel)

Question by Rob: Computer fan making a noise the turbo fan when watching a movie or using google earth? Why is it the turbo fan makes a noise when watching a movie or using google earth… Continue reading

Can watching a lot of scary movies make your house haunted?

Question by LiLo!: Can watching a lot of scary movies make your house haunted? My parents are always telling me that movies can make your house haunted but I only watch these movies: Hide and seek ,Scream , Scream… Continue reading

Q&A: If you were watching a movie what would make you cry?

by Jason Hargrove

Question by : If you were watching a movie what would make you cry? I’m making a movie for school and I want it to be really dramatic. What would make you cry when watching a good… Continue reading

How do I act on a date when we’re watching a movie and a sex scene comes on?

by by Lorena

Question by John: How do I act on a date when we’re watching a movie and a sex scene comes on? I’m a guy and a senior in high school. We’ve only been dating for a… Continue reading

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