
Q&A: What does the term “Jet Boy” mean, as in the movie title?

Question by l00k_up: What does the term “Jet Boy” mean, as in the movie title? It is a Canadian movie. The title does not make any sense to me.

Best answer:

Answer by swiftymcfayNever seen the film… however…… Continue reading

Q&A: What dose it mean when they are making a movie off a show and they say they want to “REBOOT” it?

by Al_HikesAZ

Question by Joseph Dailey: What dose it mean when they are making a movie off a show and they say they want to “REBOOT” it? For Example: (Copied From Site) “So, Fox is (allegedly) discussing a reboot… Continue reading

Q&A: anyone know any good software for video editing, i mean better than windows movie maker?

Question by harsh: anyone know any good software for video editing, i mean better than windows movie maker? windows movie make does not support many video formats. also its old school.

Best answer:

Answer by omgitsclarisaI use Sony… Continue reading

In movie making, what do ‘setup’ and ‘slate’ mean?

by Jef Harris

Question by flemmingbee2: In movie making, what do ‘setup’ and ‘slate’ mean? I encountered this comment; “We did 11 months, we did 1900 setups, we did 1200 slates…” It’s a movie director speaking to his crew… Continue reading

What Does This Song Mean? Lyrics Available?

Question by Joseph: What Does This Song Mean? Lyrics Available? i am really fascinated by this song and i have no idea what any of the lyrics could mean ; can someone please tell me what the meaning is.… Continue reading

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