
Mount & Blade – Kinect (FAAST) Head Tracking (GlovePIE) Voice Control (VAC)

This is probably the most ambitious attempt I’ve made so far. Mount & Blade is a game that could work fantastically with motion control – if only it had been designed that way! By a slow process of trial and… Continue reading

Kinect controlled Windows 7, iPad integration & skeleton bird – CyberEye

OpenKinect drivers (Win7, Linux, OS X) – Reverse engineer Kinect USB – UPDATE info: Subject: PC oriented Kinect hacks Stories: full control of Win7, iPad integrated depth and view change, skeleton tracking reproduce projected bird “puppet”. Exact transcript:… Continue reading

Augmented reality with hacked Kinect on PC – CyberEye

UPDATE info: Subject: PC oriented Kinect hacks for augmented reality Stories: live 3D lightsaber effect, surface depth recognition and conversion to multitouch surface, virtual piano OpenKinect drivers (Win7, Linux, OS X) – Reverse engineer Kinect USB – Exact… Continue reading

Michael Jackson: The Experience Coming to Kinect; Fragrance due in March

Stop motion animation stage design Image by onecog2many This is something I’d like to make up for Sid to ease his movie making, and I’d like to use it for a course I’m booked to teach this summer.

Michael Jackson:… Continue reading

Teaching Kinect to recognize objects on the PC

using OpenKinect (drivers) + OpenCV (image processing and recognition) + FestVox (speech synthesis) + CMU Sphinx (speech recognition). Proof of concept. I’m wearing a headset because OpenKinect does not yet support audio input. All of the processing and recognition occurs in real time.

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