
People who read the novel Maximum Ride by James Paterson?

Question by : People who read the novel Maximum Ride by James Paterson? I need some idea on making a movie poster for the book,( and it has to be drawn) I will be graded on the content and creativity… Continue reading

James Taylor guitar lesson (Never Die Young) — by ThinkingDog

Lesson notes on James Taylor’s unique guitar style, including examples of some of his most commonly used chords and embellishments plus detailed notes on “Never Die Young” — one of JT’s best songs (IMO) and a great example of his… Continue reading

No Joke For James

Here is my new Thomas remake, this time from series 3 No joke for James. I was looking through my remakes and saw that I didnt really have any that was about James, my favourite character so I thought of… Continue reading

People who read the novel Maximum Ride: The angel Experiment by James Paterson?

Question by Blame: People who read the novel Maximum Ride: The angel Experiment by James Paterson? I need some idea on making a movie poster for the book,( and it has to be drawn) I will be graded on… Continue reading

People who read the novel Maximum Ride: The angel Experiment by James Paterson?

Question by Loving: People who read the novel Maximum Ride: The angel Experiment by James Paterson? I need some idea on making a movie poster for the book,( and it has to be drawn) I will be graded on… Continue reading

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