
euronews le mag – Under-watercolour paintings making a splash The Swallow’s Nest castle near Yalta on the Crimean peninsula in southern Ukraine is hosting a unique exhibition of underwater paintings. They were all created in the waters of the Black Sea by members of the national school of… Continue reading

euronews interview – ILO leader calls for urgent action on Youth unemployment There are nearly 25 million unemployed in Europe, of whom more than 17 million are in the eurozone. One in five young people in the EU cannot find a job, that is nearly five million youngsters. In some countries… Continue reading

euronews cinema – Secrets de fabrication du film d’animation “Pirates” Le film d’animation ne s’est jamais aussi bien porté. Pour la seule année en cours, une trentaine de longs métrages d’animation se trouvent programmés dans les salles. 40% d’entre eux sont des productions françaises. A Lyon, pour la 14ème… Continue reading

euronews cinema – A master class in Marrakesh This year’s President of the Jury at the Marrakesh Film Festival was John Boorman, the British director, screenwriter and producer who is a connoisseur of world cinema. So what is he looking for in the films shown at the… Continue reading

euronews focus – Deauville: the new Davos for Women in business Around a thousand participants from the world of business gathered in Deauville Northern France, for the eighth edition of the Women’s Forum, otherwise known as ‘Davos for women ‘. The hot topic was the pursuit of economic growth, the… Continue reading

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