
How do I make this feeling go away, it sucks?

Question by boomurdead23: How do I make this feeling go away, it sucks? God, this is pathetic and embarrassing. I’ve been dealing with this for 2 weeks and I just decided to get on Yahoo and ask the mental… Continue reading

Blow Away Your Friends, Shotgun Special, DIY Tutorial : …

This week BFX brings you it’s “Shotgun Special”! We’ll show you how to make a double and 4 barrel shotgun. For those of you who are lazy or stinky at building things we’ll show you where to buy a cheap… Continue reading

Q&A: How do you make the bubbles for Sims 2 go away?

Question by lovemeorwhatever: How do you make the bubbles for Sims 2 go away? I am making a Sims 2 movie for youtube, and having the talk bubbles in the way ruins a shot and bites the crap out… Continue reading

Why do movie producers try to make us believe that doing ninja backflips away from machine gun fire works?

Question by Athavulf: Why do movie producers try to make us believe that doing ninja backflips away from machine gun fire works? Honestly, if you were doing a series of backflips in a straight line away from a straight… Continue reading

How do they get away with having minors acting in rated R movies, smoking or making out with adults?

Question by Feed the models!: How do they get away with having minors acting in rated R movies, smoking or making out with adults? I saw “Eastern Promises” and this girl, who looked like 12 years old, was making… Continue reading

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